Nikah by Muslim for Muslims
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Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Nikah by a Musilm for Muslims
Sunday, September 1, 2019
Jewish Muslim Wedding
Rabbi Gershon and Mike Ghouse officiated a Muslim Jewish interfaith marriage on Saturday, 8/24/19- both of them seamlessly officiated the wedding.
It has been a blessing to unite over 80 couples, and thank God for the guidance to have delivered sermons in both the faith traditions of the couples.
God created the world in harmony, and the universe runs on a precisely programmed trajectory. All that he/she/it wants is that we preserve and manage that harmony. Indeed, God puts love between two souls, which brings them together, and the fulfillment of that relationship comes thru the marriage.
Like the birds, and whales that travel thousands of miles to their nesting place, God also has built-in GPS in humans that bring them together. India’s famous poet, Ghalib had said, love happens, there is no reason or rhyme to it, nor there any criteria, individuals fall in love and come together like they were meant to be. Indeed by marrying, they bring fulfillment to their God-given GPS-Love and add to the harmony of the world.
Religions don’t marry each other; individuals do. The Rabbi and I officiated the interfaith wedding for this beautiful couple. GOD BLESS THEM, Amen.
Can a Muslim Woman Marry a non-Muslim?
Please read the full chapter in the book, American Muslim Agenda, available from Amazon, Barnes & Nobles and Kindle.
Can a Muslim Woman Marry a non-Muslim?
Please read the full chapter in the book, American Muslim Agenda, available from Amazon, Barnes & Nobles and Kindle.
Thank God for America, hope for the world, we have always led the world in culture, science, maths, medicine…. and now religion.
Only in the United States, you find Reformed Judaism, reformed Hinduism, reformed Christianity, and reformed Islam (although not pronounced yet, it is here) and reformed other faiths.
Children can be raised in both faiths and let them choose which way they want to go when they become adults.
The purpose of religion was to create societies where men and women, people of different faiths, young and old and different races, ethnicities, cultures and others uniqueness live in harmony, and securely. That is all God wants – he crated the world precisely and in harmony, he wants us to maintain it. Religions are the instruments to achieve that.
America is the place, and other nations will follow us over a decade.
Why do Children have to follow parents faith or culture? What is the need, let them live their lives in the pursuit of their happiness.
Mike Ghouse
Interfaith Wedding Officiant
Interfaith Wedding Officiant
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Muslim Woman can Marry a Non-Muslim?
A full chapter in the book.
If you are a conservative, then grudgingly you'll see the value in what this book offers, and if you are on the left, you want more of it, and if you are moderate, you will dance with joy.
The book is about building a cohesive America where each one of us feels secure about our faith, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual and political orientation. Who does not want to live a tension free life at home, workplace, and in the public space?
The "American Muslim Agenda” serves a two-fold purpose. On the one hand, it separates the chaff from the grain for fellow Americans to see Muslims for who they are and not how the media projects them. On the other hand, it challenges Muslims to restore Islam to its original purpose; that is to create cohesive societies, in our case, a coherent America, where each one of the 323 Million Americans feels proud of his or her uniqueness.
The book presents many success stories to keep the reader bemused. I am pleased to submit three versions of the blurbs on the book talk. The format can be 10 minutes or 20 minutes presentation with room for Q&A. We want our esteemed guests to go home fully satisfied with all the questions they have had about Islam and Muslims.
Our conservative friends would grudgingly acknowledge the pathway laid out in the book, while the moderates will dance with joy. If your vision of America is in tune with the book, together as Americans, we can contribute towards the greatness of our nation.
Would this book bring a change?
Would this bring a change among Muslims towards others and others towards Muslims? Indeed, this book lays out a clear agenda to foster harmony among fellow Americans. It is akin to planting a seed and nurturing to give the beneficence to the next generation.
Some of the reservations we have about Muslims is based on what we have heard from our parents, friends, teachers, pastors, and TV. It is time for us to learn first-hand about them and remove the misunderstandings and live freely.
It is one of the bold books written about Muslims, and it highlights the sources of extremism and how to cure it.
Unfortunately, some of the Muslim scholars from the past have reduced Islam to a religion of rituals and obedience. This book brings clarity to Muslims and fellow humans and separates the chaff from the wheat for you.
What is the overall theme of your book?
The overall theme of the book is to open people's hearts and minds towards each other. I believe that the ultimate ‘unexpressed’ purpose of humans is to live freely and be comfortable with one's culture, race, religion, ethnicity, sexuality, and individuality.
Why do you think that this book will appeal to readers?
It will appeal to Muslims and Non-Muslims alike, as they have never seen the pristine, pluralistic Islam. Moreover, for the first time in Islamic history, the essence of Islam is explained. Also, for the first time, the book explains twelve values directly from the Quran that contributes towards building cohesive societies with no privileges to one over the other. It is human nature to get along with fellow beings, and this book will resonate with them and pave the path for them to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
1. The American Muslim Agenda challenges Muslims to think and restore Islam to its original purpose – i.e., to create a cohesive America, where each one of the 323 Million Americans feels secure with his or her faith, race, ethnicity culture, sexual and political orientation.
2. The American Muslim Agenda paves the way for Muslims to own their mistakes, and remedy them. It corrects how fellow Americans perceive Muslims.
3. Islam is not about imposing (Sharia) your ideas or governing others. Islam is about living your life and letting others live theirs with freedom. That is the original Islam. Islam is about freedom and firmly stands for free will.
4. The essence and purpose of Islam from a humanity’s (Aalameen) perspective for the first time.
5. Never before in Islamic history, twelve values of Islam that contribute to creating secure, orderly and cohesive societies have been articulated. Verses from the Quran fully back each value. Thus, the book becomes a reference manual to teach and learn about Islam.
6. The best way to combat Islamophobia is through education, engagement, and dialogue. There are many success stories narrated including dealing with Fox News, Sean Hannity, Stuart Varney and the supposedly most of the Islamaphobes.
7. This book is the product of twenty years of research and interviews with the right, left, and the moderate fellow humans from many faiths including 150 interviews at Fox News and its many right-leaning guests.
8. Can a Muslim become President of the United States? What does it take, there is a full chapter on the topic?
9. In the end, it is learning to respect the otherness of the other and accepting the God given the uniqueness of each one of the 323 million Americans.
10. There is a whole lot more, and it is all in the book.
Talk Version 1.0
Title of the talk: Muslims making America the Greatest nation on earth.
Americans Muslims are committed to building a cohesive America, an inclusive America where each one of the 323 Million Americans feel secure about his/her faith, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual and political orientation.
When you are free from apprehensions, and connect with fellow workers, the workplace becomes a joy to be. You will give 100% of your heart and mind to your work, and your family benefits from having a whole of you, thus creating a little heaven for yourselves.
Dr. Mike Ghouse, author, public speaker, pluralist, interfaith wedding officiant, and the president of the Center for Pluralism in Washington, DC., will discuss how Muslim efforts in building a cohesive America are working.
He points out that we are Americans, we are free and brave people and must jettison our apprehensions about each other to live freely. Mike advises that if you are a conservative, then grudgingly you'll see a value in what this book offers, and if you are on the left, you want more of it, and the moderates will dance with joy.
He points out that we are Americans, we are free, and the brave people, and must jettison our apprehensions about each other to live freely. How do we accomplish that? It is by knowing each other.
America has always led the world in science, medicine, math, agriculture, automation, information technology, exploration and all the advancements of the human race, and it is time for us to lead the world in building a cohesive nation. The book offers concrete solutions to Americans to make America a great and powerful model nation of inclusion for Americans to enjoy living their lives productively and purposefully, and the world to look up to us to emulate.
We have to assure each other and every American without exception that we are committed to each other's security, prosperity, and peace. Our goal is to reach out to every American who has not been reached before, particularly those who do not understand us. As American Muslims, we uphold, protect, defend and celebrate the values enshrined in our constitution.
Mike will share a few incredible success stories of dealing with our friends on the right and answer questions about Muslim efforts.
The book “American Muslim Agenda” will become a reference manual to knowledge seekers and teachers of Islam, and those who want to see one nation, one people and one America. For Muslims, it is backed up with verses from the Quran. You can order this book from Amazon, Kindle, Barnes & Noble, Google, and other book stores. See the talking points at and Mike’s profile appended at
Talk Version 2:0
Title of the talk: Muslims making America the Greatest nation on earth
Americans Muslims are committed to building a cohesive America, an inclusive America where each one of the 323 Million Americans feel secure about his/her faith, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual and political orientation.
When you are free from apprehensions, and connect with fellow workers, the workplace becomes a joy to be. You will give 100% of your heart and mind to your work, and your family benefits from having a whole of you with them creating a little heaven for yourselves.
Dr. Mike Ghouse, author, public speaker, pluralist, interfaith wedding officiant, and the President of the Center for Pluralism in Washington, DC., will discuss how Muslim effort is ongoing in building a cohesive America, where each one of the 323 Million Americans feel secure about his/her faith, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual and political orientations.
He points out that we are Americans, we are free and brave people and must jettison our apprehensions about each other to live freely. Mike advises that if you are a conservative, then grudgingly you'll see a value in what this book offers, and if you are on the left, you want more of it, and the moderates will dance with joy.
The book paves the way for Muslims to own their mistakes, remedy them, and correct how fellow Americans perceive Muslims. Mike argues that Islam is not about imposing your ideas or governing others. Instead, Islam is about living your life and letting others live theirs with freedom. It is a bold challenge to Muslims. He shows a narration from humanity's (Aalameen) perspective of the essence and purpose of Islam for the first time in history.
Mike articulates, for the first time in Islamic history, twelve values of Islam that contribute to creating secure, orderly and cohesive societies. He concludes that the best way to combat Islamophobia (and other phobias) is through education, engagement, and dialogue. Mike lays out a clear agenda to foster harmony among fellow Americans. It is akin to planting a seed and nurturing to give the beneficence to the next generation.
Mike believes when Muslims become one with all and defend American values with their souls, they will become part of the American story, and everyone’s language will automatically shift from us vs. them to us, the one nation under God with liberty and justice for all. As American Muslims, we uphold, protect, defend and celebrate the values enshrined in our constitution.
This book will become a reference manual to teachers of Islam and knowledge seekers about Islam, as it is backed up verses from the Quran. You can order his book from Amazon, Kindle, Barnes & Noble, Google, and other book stores. See the talking points at and Mike’s profile appended at
BOOK - Version 3.0
The American Muslim Agenda is a primer, a blueprint, and a road map for Americans in general and Muslims in particular.
A Muslim is someone who is a conflict mitigater and a goodwill nurturer, following the formula for peaceful societies practiced by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and guided by the Quran.
As a community, American Muslims have not developed any concrete plans to extricate themselves out of the chaotic situations, hostility and incessant Islamophobic rhetoric we face. Each time a terrorist acts out, we start praying and wishing that the terrorist not be a Muslim. We are Americans, and we can do better than that.
There is only one America, and all of us are fully integrated parts of that nation. We need to learn to engage with those who are opposed to us, and reassure them that we are all in this together. Mike will share some success stories.
When we start defending America and the American values we are in! We become an integral part of American Fabric. That is the clear objective articulated in this book.
The book is available at Amazon, Kindle, Google, Xlibris, Barnes & Nobles, and other book stores. The softcover is priced at $19.99, and the hardcover is $29.99. It is also available as an eBook.
The American Muslim Agenda will be in the hands of lawmakers, presidential candidates, media persons, lobbyists, think tanks, educators, interfaith activists, CEO, and fellow Americans. The book is about building a cohesive America where each one of us can live securely with our faith, race, ethnicity, and culture.
As American Muslims, we uphold, protect, defend and celebrate the values enshrined in our constitution.
Mike is a public speaker, author, interfaith wedding officiant, a newsmaker and the executive director of the Center for Pluralism in Washington, DC. More about him at
Email to: or text (214) 325-1916
American Book,
American Muslim Agenda,
Americans Together,
Book on Islam,
Islamic Book,
Mike Ghouse,
Muslim Author,
Muslim Book,
Muslim marriage,
Muslim Speaker,
Muslims Together,
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Muslim Marriages, wedding Officiant
About 40% of men and women in the United States marry outside their faith. That is a Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Jewish or the other will chose to marry a man or a woman from the other faith. Let me make the statement more accurate, they don’t choose to marry the person from other faith, but the person they fall in love with happens to be from the other faith.
Love knows no bounds, who you fall in love with, why you fall in love with someone is not a science. There is no rhyme or reason to it.
The Great Urdu poet, Mirza Ghalib occupies a prime spot in the world of poetry. There is not an aspect of life he has not written a poem about, particularly about love and romance.
Simply put, you don’t choose to fall in love with a person because he or she meets your criteria of beauty, wisdom or wealth.
You fall in love because you like the way he laughs or she turns her head, the way she looks at you or the way he smiles at you. Love simply descends upon you, even before you know it.
God in the Quran, 30:21, says, “And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your hearts. Verily in that are signs for those who reflect.”
You fall in love because you like the way he laughs or she turns her head, the way she looks at you or the way he smiles at you. Love simply descends upon you, even before you know it.
God in the Quran, 30:21, says, “And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your hearts. Verily in that are signs for those who reflect.”
Marriage is indeed an expression of a commitment to a relationship between two individuals. The men and women who take the bold step to become one regardless of their origins, faiths, races, and ethnicity must be applauded. They are setting an example of how-to live-in harmony despite their differences.
When you hear a Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim, or a Jewish or Hindu woman should not marry a person from other faiths, what they are saying is that they want to keep their loved ones within their fold, their tent. Nothing wrong with that! It works for them. However, it is not a religious expression, it is a patriarchal and cultural idea. When we live in a society where we interact with people of different faiths, we have to enlarge our tent to accommodate the universe.
I would urge you to read this thoroughly written article – Can a Muslim Woman marry a Non-Muslim man? Indeed, that is the problem with men of all religions including Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Sikh, and even Baha'i faith. One of the Rabbi’s told me that the article holds good for Jewish tradition as well. The article is at
I would urge you to read this thoroughly written article – Can a Muslim Woman marry a Non-Muslim man? Indeed, that is the problem with men of all religions including Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Sikh, and even Baha'i faith. One of the Rabbi’s told me that the article holds good for Jewish tradition as well. The article is at
I am blessed to have officiated secular ceremonies for a few, and religious ceremonies for Jewish-Christian, Hindu-Christian, Bahai-Jewish, Hindu-Jewish, Atheist-Jain, and several other combinations. Being a Muslim, I am pleased to have officiated weddings for Muslims in a variety of combinations; Muslim-Christian, Muslim-Jewish, Muslim-Hindu, Muslim-Mormon, Muslim-Sikh, Muslim-Jain, Muslim-Buddhist and Muslim and an Atheist.
Mike Ghouse, Wedding Officiant
I am delighted to see this position and pleased to submit my profile, and an additional profile 60-page document of accomplishments are at and my Mission Accomplished -
Islamic Marriage,
Islamic Wedding,
Muslim marriages,
Muslim wedding Officiant,
Wedding Officiant
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Indian-American Marriages Are Now Interracial or Inter-Faith
Almost 80 Percent Indian-American Marriages Are Now Interracial or Inter-Faith- Courtesy: INDIA NEW ENGLAND NEWS
WALTHAM, MA—It is now official: Almost 80 percent of Indian-American marriages are now interracial, intercultural and interfaith in the United States, and more so in New England.

Indian-American weddings, which were mostly homogeneous about 20 years ago, are also seeing the death of arranged marriages.

“Inter-faith marriages are the new norms,” said Upendra Mishra, publisher of INDIA New England News and the producer of the 15th edition of INDIA New England Wedding Expo on April 15 at Burlington Marriott Hotel in Burlington, MA. “Thus, we have themed our upcoming bridal expo as Fusion Wedding this year. This is the time to say good bye to homogeneous Indian weddings and embrace interfaith marriages.”
Shobha Shastry, founder and CEO of Alankar Event Planners & Decorators, who has provided wedding services and decorations in New England for two decades, said the number of interracial or interfaith marriages among Indian-Americans has doubled during the last 10 years.
“Only about 40 percent of the Indian-Americans weddings were interracial 10 years ago. Now they are almost 80 percent,” Shastry told INDIA New England News. “Twenty years ago, only 15 percent Indian-American marriages were interracial or interfaith.”
Shastry said that most Indian-Americans in wedding age group kids who grew up in the United States, went to school here, met someone in high school or college and they want to marry someone they know. It also indicates the death of arranged marriages in the United States.
“There has been a great awareness of Indian culture, religion and values among the non-Indian communities and there is now much more acceptance of Indian-Americans into the American families and vice versa,” Shastry said. “In the medical profession, the interracial marriage is the most common.”
How are the interracial and interfaith marriages are doing?
Although there is not much data available because it is a relatively new trend, Shastry said interracial marriages are doing great.
“The success rate of interracial marriages are very high,” Shastry said.
The number of intermarried—be it interracial, intercultural or interfaith—couples has nearly tripled in the United States since 1967, with Asian and Hispanic newlyweds being the most likely to be intermarried, according to the Pew Center.
In the Boston-Cambridge-Newton metro area alone, 14 percent of couples are intermarried, 28 percent of these couple are of Asian descent. With these numbers growing steadily and societal attitudes growing more positive regarding intermarriage, more and more wedding will “fuse” the many traditions that the couples come from, be it from India or Ireland.
Learn more about the interracial marriages at the INDIA New England Spring Wedding Expo on April 15 at Burlington Marriott Hotel in Burlington, MA. The event is free to all attendees, but you must pre-register. To register for free, please click here.

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Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Interfaith Marriages - Lynslei weds Adam
January 1, 2018, Washington, DC – Dr. Mike Ghouse officiated the wedding ceremony today, and this is the first interfaith wedding of the year. Mike has been officiating the interfaith weddings for the last eight years and is a licensed interfaith wedding officiant in the United States.
When people find it difficult to listen to each other, let alone understand each other, Adam and Lynslei are setting a new standard – that of respecting the otherness of the other and accepting the God given uniqueness of each other. They will be showing us the way, in effect they are saying, “look we are different, but yet we are determined to create harmony.”
Lynslei’s faith of Islam brings the values of equality and dignity to the relationship, whereas Adam’s Christian tradition has taught him forgiveness, repentance and unconditional love in marriage.
How sweet it is, that these two traditions will bring fullness to their relationship, with values from Christian and Muslims traditions.
When two people fall in love with each other, Marriage is the most important milestone of that relationship, and it is the biggest event of their life and must be celebrated and cheered by one and all.
Indeed, the Holy Quran says, God has created all species in pairs and has made one for the other, and he puts love between two souls which brings them together. And as that union takes place, God is the happiest. God is about harmony and marriage is a step to bring harmony between two people. Indeed, they are very patriotic Americans; they are contributing the idea of one nation under God by coming together.
Mike has officiated a range of weddings between people of different faiths including Atheists in a secular marriage. Wedding Sermons are customized to reflect the faiths of the individuals. More about it at
Mike is a Community consultant actively engaged in research and activism and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. He will continue to focus his energies on ensuring a safe and secure America for all, where no one has to worry about his race, faith, ethnicity or other God-given uniqueness and live his/her life without apprehensions.
Americans Together,
Christian Marriage,
Interfaith Marriages,
interfaith weddings,
Marriage officiant,
Mike Ghouse,
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